Carbon Reduction

Gain a competitive advantage with a Carbon Footprint Assessment

Increasingly, businesses are committing to long-term reductions in their energy consumption and carbon footprint to align with the national and global effort to achieve "net zero" greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

From Sep 2021, any bids for government contracts higher than £5m will need to be accompanied a Carbon Reduction Plan to the requirements of PPN 06/21. We can help you create a plan and submit the required documentation.

Carbon Reduction: The benefits

Carbon footprint reduction provides a number of benefits for your business including: Increased bottom-line savings, Improved brand reputation, preparation for increasing regulation, ability to drive innovation and identification of climate-related risks for business continuity and investor confidence.

To ensure you achieve these goals, you need a plan and more importantly a carbon management process. Our experienced carbon consultants will help you create a process that will give you a structure to your carbon reduction plans and deliver year-on-year carbon savings.

Steps to Achieve Carbon Footprint Certification

Carbon Footprint

Calculate the full carbon footprint of your operations and value chain, so you see the whole picture. Set science-based targets to reduce it and make a public commitment, so you’re accountable

Carbon Neutral

Reduce what you can, offset the rest, thus always doing the best you can.  Invest in projects that save carbon through verified carbon credits, so you’re working towards a goal even when you’re off duty

Climate Positive

Save more carbon than you produce, and help suppliers and customers to reduce their footprint

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Frequently Asked Questions

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latest news and advice in the world of Carbon Reduction

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